An intimidating fact to know is that postsecondary education enrollment rates and graduation rates are dropping. While more people are educated than ever, college is also more expensive than ever, and people are noticing. The question of if a degree is worth the tuition is harder to answer than it ever has been.
Of course, certain efforts like financial aid are helpful, but can only do so much. It’s these reasons and many more that start to explain the low education rate in places like Kentucky. However on the state level, low education rates aren’t great to see. Less college graduates means a lower average income, less work hours, and more social program use by citizens.
Kentucky has taken note of these issues. A more educated population means a more bright economy, on average. The state has every incentive to foster the acquisition of postsecondary credentials. In fact, Kentucky has vowed to have 60% of the population hold some form of postsecondary credential by 2030.
Already the state has been making positive progress towards education. The rate in 2023 rested at 55%, a 4.8% increase from the five years previous. However to continually increase the attainment rate is a real challenge. In recognition of this challenge Kentucky formed the Kentucky Student Success Collaborative. This collaborative is the first statewide student success initiative of its scale.
In just two years, the collaborative has raised millions in funds, created several plans, and started to enact change. These are the changes that create such a bright future for Kentucky. Currently, the state still rests in the bottom half of states by postsecondary education. However, Kentucky reaching its goals could start to change this status rapidly. Now only time will tell if this bright future will be reached.
Source: Kentucky Student Success Collaborative