Back pain is one of the most common health issues in the United States. It’s also one of the most challenging to treat and manage, because sometimes it just comes out of nowhere and seems like it has no cause.
But there are steps you can take every day to help manage back pain and reduce its impact on your life — whether that means lessening how much time you spend dealing with pain or helping eliminate it altogether. These tips aren’t meant as a substitute for professional medical care; they’re just some ideas to get started!
Improve sleep with a regular routine and firm mattress.
The importance of sleep is often overlooked, but it can have a huge impact on your overall health and well-being. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get at least seven hours of sleep each night. If you’re not getting enough quality rest, you may be more prone to back pain because of how much stress it puts on the body.
Among sleep professionals, the accepted consensus is that a medium firm or firm mattress is best for back pain. Consider this when making your next mattress purchase.
To improve your sleep quality:
Keep a regular bedtime routine–this means going to bed at the same time every night (even on weekends) so that your body knows when it’s time to wind down and relax for bedtime
Maintain an environment that promotes good sleep habits–keep electronics out of the bedroom (including phones), avoid caffeine and nicotine before bedtime if possible, don’t eat heavy meals late in the evening
Exercise regularly.
Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve back pain and strengthen core muscles, which can also help you sleep better and reduce stress. Exercise doesn’t have to mean going to a gym or running on a treadmill–it can be as simple as walking around the block or doing household chores.
Stretch daily to improve flexibility and mobility.
Stretching is an effective way to relieve back pain, improve range of motion, and increase your flexibility. It can also help you maintain good posture throughout the day. Stretching should be done before and after exercise, as well as every single day.
Stretching helps reduce muscle tension that may be causing your back pain by increasing blood flow through the body’s muscles and joints. This increased circulation helps flush away toxins that build up after long periods of sitting or standing still, which can cause aches and pains in parts of the body like the lower back.
If you’re experiencing any kind of discomfort while sitting at work or school all day long then stretching beforehand might alleviate some discomfort.
Use heating pads and hot baths to relax tight muscles.
Heat is a common treatment for back pain. Heat can help relax tight muscles and ease stiffness, but you should use it with caution.
Do not use heating pads on the same area of the body for more than 15 minutes at a time, and don’t place them directly against your skin (they need to be covered by thin cloth). Heating pads may cause burns if they’re left on too long or used in direct contact with sensitive areas such as the neck or face.
Hot tubs and saunas are also relaxing ways to manage chronic pain caused by back problems; however, some people may find them uncomfortable because of their size or shape. Also, not everyone has easy access to these kinds of facilities.
Try yoga poses that stretch the back.
If you’re looking for a way to stretch and strengthen your back, try yoga. Yoga is a series of poses that can help alleviate pain in the spine. It also improves flexibility, which can be important if you’re experiencing stiffness from sitting at work all day.
For example: If you have lower back pain from sitting too much, try doing cat-cow pose (which involves arching and rounding your spine) or child’s pose (which involves lying face down with arms stretched forward). There are many other poses that focus on stretching specific parts of your body; check out this list for more information!
Use massage therapy to relieve sore muscles.
Massage therapy can help relieve sore muscles, reduce pain and stiffness, improve range of motion and encourage relaxation. These benefits can be especially valuable when you have chronic back pain. Massage therapy may also help improve your sleep quality and reduce stress levels.
Managing back pain can be as simple as changing your habits.
Back pain is common and often caused by a variety of factors including improper posture, poor diet, and stress. If you experience any sort of discomfort or pain in your back it’s important that you seek treatment right away so that it doesn’t become more serious over time. Back pain can be treated with exercise (like yoga), massage therapy or other treatments such as acupuncture or chiropractic care