Traditionally, faith centers were associated only with preaching and prayer. Religious activities were performed with a serious undertone and discipline was seen as a sign of devotion. In the past decade however, education has overall gradually shifted to more relaxed methods of instruction. Letting students learn at their own pace and style can improve their relationship with learning. Many faith centers are beginning to follow suit.
Worshippers being in a relaxed environment while connecting with God can encourage a more holistic approach to spiritual growth. Religion should not feel like a burden. Ideally, it should be enjoyable and encouraging. Similarly, play is not an age-restricted activity. Playing games is a universal experience, which encourages creativity, curiosity, and a sense of connection. It is a means to strengthen the relationship the congregation has with each other and with you.
There are many ways to make religious activities fun for the worshippers. Balance out the playing and praying, by getting to know your congregation and finding which activities they’ll enjoy. Here are five ideas to tap into different mediums and enhance your congregation’s spiritual growth.
1. Start Young
To instill the love of God in everyone’s hearts, you must include entire families and not only the adults. Inviting children to the gathering and expecting them to sit quietly and listen patiently is unrealistic. You need to provide an avenue for them to enjoy themselves while they are there. Consider installing playground equipment at your center so the children can have fun while the adults listen to the sermon.
An indoor kiddie corner is the perfect place for kids to make friends, bringing families of the same faith closer. You can also have a mini library for kids with age-appropriate books on religious themes. Let the children participate in all religious events by creating crafts and singing songs. This gives the child a sense of belonging along with the basic religious context they need for the future.
2. Build Community Through Games
As they grow older, pre-teens and teens may drift away from faith centers as they struggle with their own individuality. They can feel confused at this age and need the power of faith to keep them grounded. Connecting with other kids having similar issues can help, so provide them with opportunities to mingle. Arranging a basketball championship or even a scrabble tournament could be the ice breaker they need.
It’s natural to feel more confident when you’re part of a community. Adults need a sense of belonging just as much as the kids. So, don’t forget to include adults in sports and activities. Set aside at least one day per month for Game Night. Don’t worry if you don’t have a big budget. Even a simple scavenger hunt or trivia night can be a hit. All you need to do is give members the chance to showcase their talents.
3. Use Art and Music for Expression
Get to know your congregation as individuals, not just a group. Find out what interests them and utilize their talents to make your faith center more diverse and inclusive. Music and art can be a form of spiritual expression. Choirs, performances, and art exhibitions create spaces for self-expression and reflection. These mediums transcend the boundaries of language and can appeal to sensibilities, when used correctly.
Many psychologists and therapists use music and art as a form of therapy. Faith centers can provide their members with a safe space where they relax without fear of being judged. This can help them deal with emotional conflicts by relieving anxiety and calming the mind. Expressive arts can also provide the solace that is needed to strengthen the relationship with God.
4. Modernize Meditation
Many religious scholars have the opinion that you need to connect with the community if you want to connect with God. While meditation has been historically associated with silence and solitude, by definition, it includes any activity that improves your focus. Yoga is one such group activity that improves both physical and mental health. Encourage members to explore different ways to strengthen their soul.
Modern meditation teaches you how to find peace amid the chaos of the world. Invite experts to your faith center to educate members about alternate forms of meditation. By teaching them techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, you’re providing a quick fix which can fit in their busy lives. Encourage them to be mindful in whatever they do, whether it’s having a meal or going for a walk.
5. Retreat to the Outdoors
Away from the hustle of the busy city, nature can mediate a spiritual awakening. Consider taking members for walks and hikes where they can appreciate the beauty of God’s creations. Feeling the breeze and smelling the flowers can foster a sense of awe in things they’ve taken for granted. Reignite the sense of camaraderie, by exchanging faith-enhancing stories around a campfire, inspiring others to do the same.
Another idea is to plan an educational trip to explore other holy sites in the vicinity. Introduce members to other peaceful places for prayer, which is a change from their usual location. You may also visit other churches, mosques, or temples to encourage inter-faith dialogue and make meaningful connections. This may bring you one step closer to creating communities that celebrate diversity and shared humanity.
As someone leading a faith center, you have the potential to transform communities. Incorporating the concept of fun with faith opens up channels for creativity and deeper, authentic connections. Sharing experiences remind members of the blessings they have and their responsibility to share with the less-privileged. It reminds them that spirituality is not only profound but filled with moments of love and laughter.