7 Cybersecurity Tips For Keeping Your Work Computer Secure

As cyberattacks increase around the globe, cybersecurity is now one of the most important aspects of using all forms of technology. According to USA Today, the annual cost of cybercrime has reached $8 trillion worldwide.


This is especially important for work computers, as many hackers choose to target businesses due to the high-profit potential. Let’s look at seven tips for keeping work computers safe from cybercriminals.


1- Use Firewalls and Antivirus Software


Firewalls and antivirus software can prevent incoming traffic from unknown sources, including hackers, from accessing sensitive data on company servers. It may seem inconvenient when installing software but the benefits outweigh the risks.


2- Invest in Managed IT Services


Another great strategy is to use managed IT services for your business. These companies will manage your IT services at a lower cost while maintaining the highest levels of cybersecurity. Your data is protected and


3- Encrypt Sensitive Data


All business information should be stored securely on local servers and encrypted with passwords that aren’t easily guessed. Increasing the number of safeguards on your data will make it more difficult for hackers to enter your system, and, as they generally prefer easier targets, they will be more likely to give up and target someone else.


4- Store Passwords Securely


Avoid storing passwords in a Notepad file or a Word document. Although this may seem convenient, hackers who access the system and find these files will have access to everything on your servers. This opens you up to ransomware attacks or, for more malicious hackers, simply deleting all business data.


5- Confirm Emails are Genuine


Another common type of cyberattack is the email phishing scam, where an email purportedly from a known person asks for passwords, banking details, or other information they can use to gain access to company money or information. This information should never be shared over email due to its lack of security. Instead, call the sender and ask them if they actually sent the message.


6- Use Strong Passwords


Using strong passwords that contain letters, numbers, and symbols is an important cybersecurity step because it prevents hackers from using a “dictionary attack.” This involves a computer program that guesses every word in the dictionary in the password field. Strong passwords render this ineffective.


7- Limit Access


Although it may seem obvious, you should always remember to limit access to your work computer and only use it for work purposes. One accidental click on the wrong link or leaving it unattended for any length of time can result in unauthorized users accessing sensitive data. You should also avoid using unsecured public WiFi when possible. Especially for WFH employees, it’s important to have parameters set in place so everyone is clear on what is expected of them when using a work computer while not in the office setting.


By employing these seven strategies on your work computer, you can prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to your systems and holding critical data for ransom. Criminals tend to prefer easier targets, so anything you can do to make their jobs harder will make them less likely to keep trying and target someone else.